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Repetition Is the Best Way to Study, Absorb and Implement
All of the Valuable Lessons In This Training.

Please note: Only the LIVE training is FREE. It's OK if you can't attend live,
the first 50 people can purchase the replay and the full workbook BEFORE the
LIVE training begins, for an early bird discount for ONLY $49.70 vs. $497.

You Will Not Get This Much Value ANYWHERE!

Especially With This Huge Discount!!!

What You Will Learn...

Why the one thing you think you MUST do is exactly
what's killing your business!

How to turn your thinking around so clients are lining up at your door!
What's keeping you from earning top dollar - and what to do to add more streams of income to your business without working more hours.
Why NOW is the perfect time to shift your coaching business model and increase your profits - without taking on more clients.
Why your sales funnel isn't doing it's job - and the proven process to fine-tune your offers and marketing plan to bring in a steady stream of clients and income. 
The surprising truth about who really needs a coach - and chances are, she doesn't have one - yet!

Without Discount: $497

Discount: $49.70

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