OFFER EXPIRES at 11:59 pm PST on MONDAY, MAY 8, 2023




How to Create, Market & Profit from
Your Own Million Dollar Expert Business!

A 3-Day, In-Person Event

July 1-3, 2024 — Las Vegas, NV

Are You Ready to Make 2024 Your Most PROFITABLE Year Ever ?!?!

If Your Answer is YES....

"I'm Offering 5 Scholarships to Professional
Service-based Women Entrepreneurs!"

*Only 5 scholarships available, reducing your investment by
70% - making your investment only $2,250

(This Weekend Intensive is Valued at More Than $7,500)

Submit your application to find out if you qualify...

This Opportunity is EXCLUSIVELY Available to Coaches, Consultants, Industry Experts & Professional Service-based, Women Entrepreneurs who meet the following requirements:

You have been in business for no less than 3 years
Your business consistently generates no less than $75,000 in Gross Annual Revenues
You currently have or are willing to hire an implementation support team

Your application fee will be applied to this exclusive, 3-day event for Professional
Service-Based, Women Entrepreneurs; an event designed to help you structure,
price, market and sell your high-end services to the clients that you love to work with.

Read on...

Does This Sound Like You?

*Only 5 Scholarships Available. Redeem Your Seat TODAY!

  • YOU HAVE AMAZING STUFF TO OFFER - But don't know how to package your services
  • YOU WORK HARD - But are fed up with old tactics and are ready to work SMART!
  • YOU'VE INVESTED IN SEMINARS or COACHES - But haven't gotten the ROI you expected
  • YOU HAVE SO MUCH POTENTIAL - But feel like you haven't come close to reaching it
  • YOU PROVIDE TRANSFORMATIONAL VALUE - But don't have enough leads
  • YOU HAVE AN ESTABLISHED BUSINESS - and have paying clients, But need MORE
  • YOU MAKE GOOD MONEY - But are ready to stop playing small and make GREAT $$$!
  • YOU LOVE HELPING PEOPLE - But aren't making a BIG impact because you feel like you're on a hamster wheel to nowhere

If you are READY to grow your business and make a
BIGGER IMPACT, you don't want to miss this event.

Join Us May 10-12, 2023 to Learn a Proven Blueprint
for Creating Your Million Dollar Expert Business!

REDEEM YOUR SCHOLARSHIP TODAY!ONLY 5 Scholarships Available (Expires at 11:59 pm on 05/08/23)


Join Us to Learn How to Create a Highly Profitable & Impactful Business
that You Love, AND Where You Get PAID for the VALUE You Provide,
Instead of the TIME You Spend!

“Frantonia knows just the right questions to ask…” Frantonia has great clarity and creativity when it comes to business direction and knows just the right questions to ask you to get you to make the most powerful moves in your business. I highly recommend Frantonia for anyone looking to make bold empowered changes in their business.

Sarah Martin
Sarah Martin CEO of BeLuxe Your Life

This is NOT a typical seminar.

In this intimate setting, you will get direct

REDEEM YOUR SCHOLARSHIP TODAY!ONLY 5 Scholarships Available (Expires at 11:59 pm on 12/30/22)

Photo of Profit Intensive Event on July 2022.
Includes participants and FPI team.

"The past MDEBI events were better than I ever imagined!

The caliber of women in the room was off the charts.

Passionate, motivated, dedicated, and committed women with HUGE hearts, ready to take action and do whatever it takes to grow their business and help more people.

I love witnessing the power of growth-minded women, the best of the best, coming together to learn and help each other. It is like nothing else.

If this sounds like you, do not miss this event!"

- Dr. Frantonia Pollins

"What an amazing experience! Frantonia provided a safe place for us women to reflect on the barriers that have held us back while examining what it is we want in our future."

Patrina McKinney
Patrina McKinney Entrepreneur | Community Activist


That’s the promise of
The Million Dollar Expert Business Intensive.

When you get clear on exactly what's holding you back and where you need to focus,
you'll begin to attract more IDEAL clients to your business,
who are eager to pay for the value that you provide.

You'll know exactly how to map out
the blueprint for Your Million Dollar Year
so that you can start calling in your PROFITS.

No longer will you be confused about which clients to target.
As an industry expert, you'll easily know how to separate yourself from the competition.

You'll be READY to take action
and make some SERIOUS MONEY.


Currently, you might be facing the challenges of:

  • Positioning yourself as an expert or authority in your space
  • Generating leads consistently
  • Attracting the right client, who appreciates the value of your work and is eager to invest
  • Making irresistible offers, so prospects want to buy from you
  • Closing sales consistently and effortlessly
  • Raising your price points for your services and programs
  • Packaging your products/services so you get paid for the value, not the time
REDEEM YOUR SCHOLARSHIP TODAY!ONLY 5 Scholarships Available (Expires at 11:59 pm on 12/30/22)

The RESULTS speak for themselves

"When I first met with Frantonia she was helping me with the task of naming my proprietary system. After just 30 minutes she named each step and the name of the system which is a product I still use to this day.

And that is not all she is great at....
Frantonia has a certain ability to cut through the BS in the most loving way and stand for women in a way that may have never been able to stand for themselves. She is a woman I both admire and appreciate for her many gifts including women empowerment, business coaching/consulting and overall personal development to help you live an incredible life."

Michelle Thompson
Michelle Thompson Emotional Eating Specialist

Ready to save your spot?

Join me at this special LIVE event…

May 10-12, 2023
9:30 am - 5:00 pm PST

Register TODAY! Only 5 scholarships available!

REDEEM YOUR SCHOLARSHIP TODAY!ONLY 5 Scholarships Available (Expires at 11:59 pm on 12/30/22)

Attending this event will help you:

  • Attract more IDEAL clients
  • Charge MORE money for LESS of your time
  • Get REFERRALS or CLIENTS (at the event!)
  • Get CLARITY on where to focus to get the best results
  • Connect with other LIKE-MINDED women entrepreneurs
  • Get HANDS-ON HELP with your specific problems

This is for you if you...

  • Have inconsistent monthly income
  • Are making offers, but do not get an immediate "Yes"
  • Are charging an hourly rate and trading time for money
  • You aren't generating enough leads
  • You've been playing small and have the potential to make more $ and help more people
  • Are overwhelmed, busy and confused about where to spend your time
REDEEM YOUR SCHOLARSHIP TODAY!ONLY 5 Scholarships Available (Expires at 11:59 pm on 12/30/22)

Bring your specific questions & get customized mentoring...

This is not an event packed with hundreds of people! It's just you and a handful of ladies. So bring any question or problem you want solved and Frantonia will give you specific actions steps.

“Aha moment!! What I didn’t fully understand was that I had longstanding negative beliefs and judgements about “strong women," and that I was holding myself back from being the powerful woman that I naturally am.

Working with Frantonia has opened me up to a brand new world of self-love and acceptance which has empowered me to start creating the life that I used to wistfully dream about.  I can honestly say that I’m an entirely new woman than I was 6 short months prior to working with her, and I continually thank my lucky stars for discovering her. Frantonia is a gifted coach that you’ll never ever regret working with.

<span style=Laura Lash Brzegowy" >
Laura Lash Brzegowy Color Consultant


  • You are just starting a business and do not know what you sell
  • Do not have or are unwilling to create a high ticket offer ($3K+) that gives clients transformational value
  • You are not coachable, not willing to be open, not willing to help others, or not willing to take responsibility for your success
  • You don't have integrity when it comes to business, and want to make money in a deceptive or manipulative way
  • You blame other people or circumstances for your problems, or are an excuse maker or a "know-it-all"
REDEEM YOUR SCHOLARSHIP TODAY!ONLY 5 Scholarships Available (Expires at 11:59 pm on 12/30/22)

"Frantonia Pollins is an exceptional speaker, with grace and presence. I was captivated and intrigued during the whole process. She was able to deliver her message with clarity and passion, which kept the entire room wanting and waiting for more."

<span style=LaTanya Goodgame" >
LaTanya Goodgame Educator

" I feel more motivated and encouraged to  see that I can be happy and create a business that will generate financial stability for my family and allow me to give and live my dream to others.  I see and have a clear vision for myself, my marriage, my family and my business and I am so grateful to Frantonia for being transparent, open and frank in a way that allowed me to see myself and develop what I already had in me." 

<span style=Michelle McFadden Blalock" >
Michelle McFadden Blalock Real Estate Agent

"What an empowering and transformative event. I had so many “aha moments” and left with tons of easy to do action items that I have already started to implement to grow my business." I am recommitted to my business!  I am renewed of spirit!  I am determined to meet new challenges head on!.  I am attracting more clients because of this renewed energy. In kind, my monthly income has doubled."

<span style=Zenja Dunn" >
Zenja Dunn On Air Personality | Entrepreneur

Copyright 2022 - Dr. Frantonia Pollins - Empower | Inspire | Transform