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Join me, Success Mastery Coach & Feminine Leadership Expert, Dr. Frantonia Pollins
Starting September 29, 2020
To finally learn the proven steps you need to achieving success in your life and business.
Dear Friend,
I’ve been thinking about all of the unfulfilled dreams & unaccomplished goals that so many have. I paid especially close attention to the New Year’s resolutions that I see people sharing or posting on social media at the beginning of every year; so out of curiosity I decided to do a little research to see just how many resolutions are actually kept. I found that 50% of resolutions are broken within the first 10 days. WOW!! I went on to discover that by the end of January no less than 95% of resolutions have been fully abandoned. How many times have you set a goal or “New Year’s Resolution” to make a big change. Maybe yours was to lose weight; get out of debt or start a new business. You set out to finally achieve your life’s dream and step into your purpose, only to find yourself frustrated and at the end of yet another year, feeling like once again you failed.
I was once in your shoes, which is why I can relate to how you’re feeling right now.
For years, I joined millions of people as we all jumped on the same band wagon; searching high and low to find a solution that would help to achieve real change and achieve huge success. Unfortunately most of the time we all came up short or the solutions we did find simply did not work, as many of them over-promise and under-deliver. The sad reality is that only 5% of New Year’s resolutions are kept beyond January, and many of them had been previously attempted and failed at least 3 times. This caught my attention. I looked a little harder for the reason so many resolutions fail within such a short amount of time. I found that the majority of resolutions fail due to:
- Procrastination & lack of discipline
- No clear purpose or vision
- “Winging it” – No strategic game plan
- Being a “Lone Ranger” – Lack of support & accountability
The fact is, the majority of resolutions fail because only a small percentage of people with resolutions ever actually DO something about it. Don’t let this happen to you.
Finally, I created a PROVEN, Results Based System
After investing YEARS and THOUSANDS of dollars searching, implementing, and testing, I’ve created a one of a kind PRACTICAL and APPLICABLE, step-by-step solution so that success never eludes you again. FINALLY, a proven, fast track system designed to help you gain clarity for creating a results based actionable plan that empowers you to achieve REAL results and finally live the life of your dreams.
"What an empowering and transformative event. I had so many “aha moments” and left with tons of easy to do action items that I have already started to implement to grow my business." I am recommitted to my business! I am renewed of spirit! I am determined to meet new challenges head on!. I am attracting more clients because of this renewed energy. In kind, my monthly income has doubled."
Zenja Dunn, On Air Personality | Entrepreneur
Take Back Your Life
Transformational Life Coaching Experience
- Learn how to honestly and objectively examine the key areas of your life to figure out how to breakthrough the barriers that are holding you back.
- Learn the time tested methods for gaining clarity and increased confidence
- Learn how to quickly move through the levels of personal development that will take you from where you are today to where you TRULY want to be.
- Learn how to create an actionable, results based plan for achieving success in 7 key areas of your Life and your Business
- How to identify and eliminate the threats and weaknesses that keep you from achieving meaningful success – once and for all.
- How to create positive and lasting change by identifying and leveraging your unique talents, skills, and abilities.
- Learn why making YOU the #1 priority in your life MUST matter more than anything else when it comes to creating success
- Learn how to increase your income, attract more clients and achieve greater fulfillment.
- …and much, much more!!
This Is A Colored Section Title To Break Up Your Page
10 Week Transformational Life Coaching Experience

Module 1:
In this module you will:
- Examine the ways and reasons that women are often lured by "The Seduction of Self Sabotage."
- Answer the age old question - Is possible for women to “have it all.”
- Examine the root cause of overwhelm and burnout.
- Explore how our sense of self-value shows up in the "priority structures" that we have established for the people in our lives.
- Discover the often overlooked value of making ourselves a priority.
- We explored our capacity for identifying and expressing self love
- Learn the #1 guilt-free way to end self-sabotage and achieve greater success than ever before.
Module 2:
- In this module you will:
- Learn the #1 Driver of Success
- Understand the Pygmalion Effect and how your inner world effects
and expresses in our outer world - Discover which of the 4 Stages of Human Existence you are operating in
- Practical steps to create the space to manifest and receive unlimited success in all areas of your life.
- And much, much more

Module 3:
In this module you will:
- Learn the only proven way to get from where you are to where you truly want to be
- Take an honest look at where you stand right now in the 7 key areas of your life.
- Perform a personal S.W.O.T. analysis to determine both the opportunities for improvement and the areas of success
- Design your personalized "Phenomenal Life Plan" with specific goals in the 7 key areas of your life.
- Identify key milestones and benchmarks to track your success
- And much, much more
Module 4:
What you'll learn and explore in this module:
- How to take a deep dive into the HIDDEN, UNCONSCIOUS reason WHY we have not yet created the life that we truly desire.
- How to explore and overcome our greatest fears around “taking back our lives.”
- We will get honest about the choices and relationships we've made, that might have to change or be released
- We dig deeper into the "Seduction of Self-sabotage and get honest about our fear of successfully creating and living the life of our dreams

Video Module 5:
What you'll learn and explore in this module:
- A Proven System for pulling all that you've learned together to "Take Back Your Life."
- What is the "Strategic Life Success Pyramid?"
- How to clearly define your personal Vision, Mission, Goals, Objectives (in all 7 areas)
- Learn the critical difference between strategies and tactics; and how mistaking the two can destroy your success.
- How to create an outline for your "Strategic Life Success Plan."
Video Module 6:
What you'll learn and explore in this module:
- How to Identify the corresponding actions that will move you toward your desired outcome.
- How to Eliminate the contradictory actions that will move you away from your desired outcome.
- Examine, Challenge and Replace the habits and mindset that can get in the way of you putting this plan into action.

Module 7: Celebrate Your Success!!
In this Module you will:
- Now that you have done all of the hard work, it's time to pat yourself on the back and celebrate your success.
- We will create and carry out your own unique "Success Celebration Experience"
Take Back Your Life: 10 Week Virtual, Transformational Life Coaching Experience
6 – 60 minute video coaching/training sessions. You’ll be sent a link to video lessons where, over the course of the 10 weeks, I’ll walk you through a series of specific processes designed to help you uncover the unconscious barriers to the success that you truly desire.
Written Assignments & Success Challenges:
With each module you’ll receive an action based assignment that is designed to reinforce the training received in the video coaching session. These assignments and challenges will help to strengthen your core confidence, design a “strategic life plan” that honors your business and feeds your soul. We will improve your time & energy management skills; set healthy boundaries, clarify your focus, identify and overcome your fears, eliminate your excuses and lovingly hold you accountable to your highest calling.
Private, Online Community
Weekly Celebration Report
That’s right, every week we want to hear your brag about YOU and your successes, breakthroughs and ah-ha moments.
“Aha moment!! What I didn’t fully understand was that I had longstanding negative beliefs and judgements about “strong women," and that I was holding myself back from being the powerful woman that I naturally am.
Laura Lash Brzegowy, Color Consultant
Working with Frantonia has opened me up to a brand new world of self-love and acceptance which has empowered me to start creating the life that I used to wistfully dream about. I can honestly say that I’m an entirely new woman than I was 6 short months prior to working with her, and I continually thank my lucky stars for discovering her. Frantonia is a gifted coach that you’ll never ever regret working with
Full Access to The TBYL Digital Course (Audio & Video)
PDF Worksheets for Each Module
6 - LIVE Group Coaching / Q & A Calls
Audio & Video Download of Each
Live Group Coaching / Q & A Session
Private FB Community: a virtual "sacred space"
where we share, support & celebrate one another
Full Access to The TBYL Digital Course (Audio & Video)
PDF Worksheet for Each Module
6 - LIVE Group Coaching / Q & A Calls
Audio & Video Download of Each
Live Group Coaching / Q & A Session
Private FB Community: a virtual "sacred space"
where we share, support & celebrate one another
"Anytime Coaching" via email,
for shorter, quick discussions
3 - 45 Minute 1:1 Coaching Sessions
2 hour, Personal
Strategic Life Planning Session
What Clients Are Saying:
" I can see the outcomes of my participation and its looking rather marvelous!"
TIFFANY MICHELLE', Author | Graphic Designer
"I felt so empowered & inspired to make a bigger impact!"
LAYLA F. SAAD, Author | Podcast Host
"These are my numbers for this Quarter, which in QAR equals $15,000 USD in 3 months. That is an average of $5,000 USD. I DID IT, Dr Frantonia!!!"
ANAHI BROWN, Keto & Self-Care Coach
"Frantonia Pollins is an exceptional speaker, with grace and presence. I was captivated and intrigued during the whole process. She was able to deliver her message with clarity and passion, which kept the entire room wanting and waiting for more."
LaTanya Goodgame, Educator
What an amazing experience! Frantonia provided a safe place for us women to reflect on the barriers that have held us back while examining what it is we want in our future.
Patrina McKinney, Entrepreneur | Community Activist
“Frantonia knows just the right questions to ask…” Frantonia has great clarity and creativity when it comes to business direction and knows just the right questions to ask you to get you to make the most powerful moves in your business. I highly recommend Frantonia for anyone looking to make bold empowered changes in their business.
Sarah Martin, CEO of BeLuxe Your Life
The RESULTS speak for themselves
" I feel more motivated and encouraged to see that I can be happy and create a business that will generate financial stability for my family and allow me to give and live my dream to others. I see and have a clear vision for myself, my marriage, my family and my business and I am so grateful to Frantonia for being transparent, open and frank in a way that allowed me to see myself and develop what I already had in me."
Michelle McFadden Blalock, Real Estate Agent