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Why Every Coach Needs A Seven-Figure Profit Plan
 And My 2-Day, 
7-Steps To Show You How to Create It!

Join me on December 10th & 11th, 2022  9am - 1pm PST, for
“VIIIP Profit Plan: How to Create Your 12 Month Marketing & Profit Plan
to Increase Your Visibility, Influence, Impact & Income" 

During this can’t-miss, 2-Day Virtual Intensive, you’ll learn how to:

How to get BETTER RESULTS by planning your year, and breaking it down into sections so you can turn busy work into profitable work
How to stick to a STRATEGIC PROFIT PLAN to get more done in less time.                                         
How to partner with the BEST platforms and SYSTEMS to work for your business without all the noise from everywhere else.   
How and when to get the help and SUPPORT you need to take your business to the next level and make your dreams a reality.
How to implement and follow your SIX-FIGURE PROFIT PLAN to the letter so you can optimize your business success.                  

$100,000, $500,000, (even a million dollars) 

sounds fabulous, doesn’t it? 

Ever sit back and wonder how other coaches have tapped into the

six-figure bracket, while you’re still stuck struggling to break $50,000? 

Helping my clients to create 6 & 7-figure profit plans is one of the things

I do best. I’ve cracked the code to help my clients hit the 6 & 7-figure mark through strategic productivity hacks that every highly profitable coach must take.

Join me on December 10th & 11th, 2022
from 9 am - 1 pm PST

How to Create Your 12 Month Marketing & Profit Plan to Increase Your Visibility, Influence, Impact, Income & Profits"  so I can reveal all my profit making secrets.

Regular Price


Special Price


I’ll show you exactly how to turn your time into the numbers you want, optimize your business, get better results, create a plan that works, and implement 6 & 7-figure  strategies to increase your ROI.

Ready to Profit?





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